Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Who reads this anyway?

Why am I writing this when I know there's no one at the other end. I write because I have an internet connection I don't have to pay for. I mean I don't pay for it directly, my parents do though. Where as you? You wouldn't even know about it. That's because I haven't told you. But, have you ever considered Google-ing Berries on your own? This blog and post would appear if you do.
WHY HAVEN'T YOU EVER GOOGLED BERRIES? Why?! It hurts. The injustice is just....I don't even have words for it! So wait, you can Google Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez gossip. Or Linsday Lohan scandals. But who has time for berries. You don't!

Pffft. Kids these days.
They need inspiration. Berries don't inspire.

Peace, yo!


  1. HAHAHA brilliant. thats how we all rant. talking to ourselves is one thing we are good at

  2. Your good :D im impressed
