Sunday, 6 May 2012

Here's to the CIEs.

It's almost showtime. All we worked on this year will be put to test. Not just how much we studied, but how we studied. There will be regrets. And mistakes. Memories, definitely made.

We're going to report to our centers, look around, stare at people. We may also have a couple of 5 minute crushes. We're going to stare into their ID cards, or statement of entries for clearer view of their names. We're going to go home and stalk them. And obsess. 

Here's to everyone taking their CIEs.
Good luck, and kick some examiner ass. Figuratively.


  1. This Motivated me more than anything! Lets do this! We've got no second chances! No back up plan! And No one to rely on. We've got one shot and we gotta hit the bulls eeye! *Cheers to tomorrow!*
    ^ there i sounded like a Captain to his team! Hala Students! Atttttttaaaaaccck!

  2. Yaar there's always Oct/Nov :p

  3. Yaar u just washed all the motivation with 'Bonus' *Throws books away!*

  4. Yaar u just washed all the motivation with 'Bonus'. . *Throws books away*

  5. Mareeha Qadri6 May 2012 at 23:57

    I like that!!!....:D clearly such a piece of writing won't work tomorrow though...;)
