Sunday, 11 November 2012

Letter #2

Dear person I don't recall adding to my Facebook account,

Well, hello there, stranger. I hope you're fine, blah blah. Let's be honest here. I really don't know who you are and where you came from. A stranger you be.

There's no hope for us to become friends because I'm unfriending you. I'm unfriending you because I do not know you. Also, it's about time "unfriending" and "unfriend" are taken into consideration as words.

Stretching this letter is a waste of time. So is writing this letter. I was probably as drunk as I am now when I may have accepted your friend request. I'm drunk on water because I'm trying to be funny when I'm wasted. You probably don't even deserve a letter...

Bye person I don't recall adding to my Facebook account.



  1. Bye :)
    anyways you are a good writer and i am subscribing you ..

  2. I could say the same.
    I've added many people I don't even remember :p
    Yeah, it does make me sound self-centered. but oh well.
