Saturday, 1 December 2012

New Year's Resolution #2: Never Write Poetry.

I gave a shot at poetry. This is what I came up with. The title is more like a caution note. This resolution is for the greater good, so you will want to thank me.

Poetic Injustice

Roses are red,
violets are blue,
you probably think I'm random,
well, I do too.
I was supposed to be looking for a background for this blog, 
but I changed my mind, 
Interest in poetry, I am trying to find.
 It is hard to find a conclusion,
I am writing in pure confusion.
I thought rhyming was hard, turns out it isn't,
I'm going to rhyme this one with blood transfusion.


  1. Bahah, this was funny, maybe you shouldn't give up completely, try a humorous approach to it!
